Cellular Repair: Improving Pet Health On A Cellular Level

russian blue cat getting scratched under chin

The Cellular Level of Health Is Your Pet’s Foundation. Every part of your precious cat or dog is made up of cells, which are living organisms that break down or multiply. They also go through a process of cellular repair. All of these microscopic tidbits come together to make tissue, organ systems, nerve fibers, hair, […]

Pet Air Purifier: Essential or Overrated?

gray couch in living room with an air purifier

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Navigating Bioenergetic Food Intolerance in Pets

Photo of cat eating dry food for food intolerance in pets

What does Bioenergetic Food Intolerance in Pets Look Like? Just like people, food intolerance in pets exists as well. And like humans, the responses can range from itchy and irritating to even worse! Understanding and managing your pet’s energetic food intolerances or sensitivities doesn’t have to be stressful. Keep reading! We’ll explore bioenergetic testing to […]

The Integumentary System in Pets

What is the Integumentary System on Bioresonance Testing? Have you used bio-resonance scanning for your pet, and are asking what is the Integumentary System on your test? Are you wondering about the role it plays in your pet’s body? Or should we say ON your pet’s body, as the Integumentary System is the hair, skin […]

Amino Acids for Pets: The Building Blocks of the Body

Need Help Navigating Amino Acids For Pets on a Bioenergetic Testing Report?  Many pets resonate with imbalanced amino acids on the results of bioenergetic testing! Amino acids for pets, and for people, are the scaffolding of so many body processes. If there are imbalances due to digestive issues, and diets low on protein, then there […]

Exploring the Role of Dental Water Additives for Pets

large black dog holding water bowl and looking at you depicting dental water additives for pets

Understanding Dental Water Additives for Pets You’ve probably seen, or even purchased, a dental water additive for pets. Moreover, you’re probably aware of the many responsibilities that come with caring for your furry friend including dental health for pets. From proper nutrition and regular exercise to grooming and vet visits, the list of pet parent […]

Liver Health is Foundational to Your Pet’s Wellness!

Picture of hand holding a graphic representation of a liver with the topic being liver health in pets

Liver health should be one of the foundations of your pet health routine. The liver is arguable the most important organ, besides the heart and brain, for your pet!  It maintains your pet’s overall health and wellness and is connected to almost every organ system in the body. The liver is responsible for detoxification, metabolism, […]

When is Apple Cider Vinegar Safe For Pets?

When Is Apple Cider Vinegar Safe For Pets? Petmedella and our employees are vigilant about creating balanced health for pets. We get inbox questions, and social media messages, asking questions like: When is apple cider vinegar safe for pets? Should you use it topically? Give it to them for drinking? The buzz continues around apple […]

What You Need to Know About Giardia and Your Pet!

Giardia and Your Pet:  What Pet Owners Need to Know Giardia is a common protozoan parasite that affects both humans and animals. It is known to cause a variety of gastrointestinal symptoms and can be particularly problematic for pets. A pet can appear healthy and still have Giardia, according to the CDC. As a pet […]