Hookworm in Dogs and What You Can Do

What is Hookworm? Hookworms are small, thin parasitic worms that are less than one inch long. They primarily affect the intestines by attaching to the intestinal wall with their hook-like teeth. They feed on their hosts blood and tissue, moving from one place to another and leaving small ulcers where they were attached. There are […]

What to Look for in Horse Feed

Finding the best feed for your horse can be a challenge due to the fact that not much money or time has been spent on researching equine nutrition. Horses are meant to forage in open pasture. They want to constantly be roaming, seeking out grasses, weeds, and shrubs. This not only nourishes them, but also […]

Fight Doggie Parasites with Diatomaceous Earth

If your dog suffers from internal or external parasites, Diatomaceous Earth may be a simple and inexpensive solution! Diatomaceous Earth is finely crushed fossils of aquatic organisms. It is safe for humans and pets because it is so finely ground. To insects and parasite, however, it is quite harmful. These crushed fossils are like broken glass […]

Why Do Dogs Eat Grass?

Do you ever catch your pooch chowing down on your green grass? Your dog is not alone. It is not an unusual behavior. Most dogs eat those fresh blades from time to time. However, it is important to observe the frequency of this behavior and why your dog may be doing it. Why Would a […]

Horses: How Heat Stress to Heat Stroke Can Be Fatal

Heat Stress vs. Heat Stroke Heat stress, also known as heat exhaustion, is when fluids and electrolytes are lost from the body, typically during exercise that is exhausting. The surrounding temperature plays a critical role in heat stress. The air temperature, how sunny it is, and the humidity levels all contribute and can increase the […]

Ringworm in Cats: The Most Common Skin Infection for Felines

black and white cat laying on ground showing ringworm in cats

Ringworm in cats are the most common skin infection. Ringworm is a fungal infection and it is the most common in cats. It affects the hair, skin, and nails. While it affects humans as well as other pets, including dogs, it is also the most common contagious skin infection found in cats. For pets and […]

Dogs & Cats: Most Common Food Sensitivities

Are you concerned that your dog or cat may be suffering from a food sensitivity? If your pet is experiencing any of the following, your furry friend very well may be: – skin rash                          – hives               […]

Blood in Your Pet’s Stool? What is It Saying About Their Healthy?

Blood in a pet’s stool is almost always an indication of something going on internally. The cause could be somewhat minor to very severe. Treating the issue could be short term or long term. Even a small amount of blood in your pet’s stool needs to be addressed. What Blood in the Stool Could Be […]

The Dangers of Leptospirosis & What You Can Do

Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection. It tends to affect mammals, including humans, dogs, and cats. However, it is most commonly seen in dogs. Leptospirosis affects the entire body. Oftentimes symptoms will be present but not in all cases. Leptospirosis can eventually lead to kidney and liver failure. How is Leptospirosis Contracted?  Leptospirosis is contracted through […]

Horse Laminitis: Prevent, Identify, & Address

Laminae, found on horses, is the inner layer of the hoof. If nutrient and oxygen-rich blood is not getting to the laminae, it can lead to laminitis. Laminitis is inflammation of the laminae, causing swelling in the tissue of the hoof. When the laminae doesn’t receive blood, the cells become damaged, and the laminae eventually begins […]