Matrix Support


Matrix Support is for the temporary relief of symptoms such as occasional diarrhea, occasional constipation, headaches, gas, congestion, irritated eyes, and indigestion.

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Matrix Support is for the temporary relief of symptoms such as occasional diarrhea, occasional constipation, headaches, gas, congestion, irritated eyes, and indigestion. Ingredients: Ceanothus (4X) Arg Nit (6X) Condurango (6X) Hydrastis (6X) Momordica (6X) Pulsatilla (6X) Bile Duct (8X) Colon (8X) Duodenum (8X) Esophagus (8X) Eye (8X) Gallbladder (8X) Ileum (8X) Intestine (8X) Ipecac (8X) Jejunum (8X) Kali Bic (8X) Lung (8X) Mucosa Nas (8X) Natrum Oxalaceticum (8X) Oral Mucosa (8X) Pancreas (8X) Phos (8X) Rectal Mucosa (8X) Stomach (8X) Sulphur (8X) Veratrum Alb (8X) Mannose (8X 30X 200X) Anacardium (9X) Kreosotum (10X) Lachesis (10X) Oxalis (10X) Mandragora (16X) Urinary Bladder (6C) Dysentery bacillus (30C 200C)