What is Equine Colic? What Can You Do?

Equine colic is a disorder of the digestive system, that when gone unnoticed, can lead to surgery or even cause death for horses. Colic means “abdominal pain”, but for horse this pain can be very severe and should not be ignored. While colic refers to the abdomen, for horses, it is more so related to […]

Colic, equine

The Dangers of Leptospirosis & What You Can Do

Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection. It tends to affect mammals, including humans, dogs, and cats. However, it is most commonly seen in dogs. Leptospirosis affects the entire body. Oftentimes symptoms will be present but not in all cases. Leptospirosis can eventually lead to kidney and liver failure. How is Leptospirosis Contracted?  Leptospirosis is contracted through […]