What Are the 12 Cell Salts in Homeopathy?

Have You Heard of the 12 Cell Salts in Homeopathy?

At PetMedella and at CBH Energetics (we used to be called Creating Balanced Health, but we are the same!) we often get asked about the use of BioCell Salts. BioCell Salts contains the 12 cell salts, otherwise known as tissue salts.

Each of these mineral salts can be obtained separately, or in a blend. The beauty of these salts is that they target overlapping systems!
The 12 cell salts are a fundamental part of homeopathy, which is safe for children and pets!

In this article, we will provide an overview of the 12 cell salts and their uses.


New to Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine that was developed in the late 18th century by Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician. The practice is based on the principle of “like cures like,” meaning that a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person can be used to treat those same symptoms in a sick person. Homeopathic remedies are made from natural substances, such as plants and minerals, and are highly diluted to avoid toxicity.

Read more about homeopathy here, if this is new to you!

What Are Cell Salts?

Cell salts, also known as tissue salts or mineral salts, are a group of 12 minerals that are found naturally in the body’s cells. They are essential for maintaining good health and are involved in various bodily functions, such as metabolism, nerve function, and bone development.

According to homeopathic principles, when the body is deficient in a certain cell salt, it can lead to various health issues. By taking the corresponding cell salt, the body can restore its balance and heal naturally.

History of the 12 Cell Salts

These salt preparations were first identified by Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler, a German physician, in the late 19th century. Dr. Schuessler believed that imbalances in the body’s mineral content could lead to disease and developed a system for using cell salts to treat various health issues.

The 12 salts are divided into three groups of four, based on their mineral composition and function in the body. Each cell salt has a unique set of symptoms and uses, making them a versatile support option.

Overview of the 12 Cell Salts

The 12 cell salts are:

  1. Calcarea fluorica
  2. Calcarea phosphorica
  3. Calcarea sulphurica
  4. Ferrum phosphoricum
  5. Kalium muriaticum
  6. Kalium phosphoricum
  7. Kalium sulphuricum
  8. Natrum muriaticum
  9. Natrum phosphoricum
  10. Natrum sulphuricum
  11. Silicea
  12. Magnesia phosphorica

Each salt is matched to a unique set of issues and uses, making them so versatile!

The First Four Cell Salts

Calcarea fluorica

Calcarea fluorica is also known as calcium fluoride. It is found in the body’s bones and teeth and is essential for bone and tooth development. In homeopathy, it is used to treat various health issues related to the bones and teeth, such as arthritis, osteoporosis, and tooth decay.

Calcarea phosphorica

Calcarea phosphorica is also known as calcium phosphate. It is found in the body’s bones and teeth and is essential for bone and tooth development. In homeopathy, it is used to treat various health issues related to the bones and teeth, such as fractures, growth disorders, and dental problems.

Calcarea sulphurica

Calcarea sulphurica is also known as calcium sulphate. It is found in the body’s connective tissues and is involved in wound healing. In homeopathy, it is used to treat various health issues related to the skin, such as acne, eczema, and boils.

Ferrum phosphoricum

Ferrum phosphoricum is also known as iron phosphate. It is found in the body’s red blood cells and plays a role in oxygen transport. In homeopathy, it is used to treat various health issues related to inflammation and fevers, such as sore throat, colds, and flu.

The Second Four Cell Salts

Kalium muriaticum

Kalium muriaticum is also known as potassium chloride. It is found in the body’s muscles and nerves and is involved in the immune system. In homeopathy, it is used to treat various health issues related to congestion, such as sinusitis, coughs, and colds.

Kalium phosphoricum

Kalium phosphoricum is also known as potassium phosphate. It is found in the body’s muscles and nerves and is involved in energy metabolism. In homeopathy, it is used to treat various health issues related to fatigue and stress, such as anxiety, depression, and insomnia.

Kalium sulphuricum

Kalium sulphuricum is also known as potassium sulphate. It is found in the body’s connective tissues and is involved in detoxification. In homeopathy, it is used to treat various health issues related to skin and respiratory system, such as asthma, eczema, and sinusitis.

Natrum muriaticum

Natrum muriaticum is also known as sodium chloride. It is found in the body’s fluids and is involved in fluid balance. In homeopathy, it is used to treat various health issues related to fluid imbalances, such as dry skin, dehydration, and headaches.

The Final Four Cell Salts

Natrum phosphoricum

Natrum phosphoricum is also known as sodium phosphate. It is found in the body’s digestive system and is involved in acid-base balance. In homeopathy, it is used to treat various health issues related to digestion, such as acid reflux, indigestion, and constipation.

Natrum sulphuricum

Natrum sulphuricum is also known as sodium sulphate. It is found in the body’s fluids and is involved in detoxification. In homeopathy, it is used to treat various health issues related to liver and gallbladder, such as jaundice, liver congestion, and gallstones.


Silicea is also known as silica. It is found in the body’s connective tissues and is involved in tissue repair. In homeopathy, it is used to treat various health issues related to skin, hair, and nails, such as acne, brittle nails, and hair loss.

Magnesia phosphorica

Magnesia phosphorica is also known as magnesium phosphate. It is found in the body’s muscles and nerves and is involved in nerve function. In homeopathy, it is used to treat various health issues related to muscle and nerve pain, such as cramps, spasms, and neuralgia.

How to Use Cell Salts in Homeopathy

Cell salts are available in various forms, such as tablets, pellets, and liquids. They are typically taken orally, either by dissolving them under the tongue or in water. The dosage and frequency of cell salt use vary depending on the individual’s symptoms and needs.

We have many practitioners who use the cell salts, as a foundation when starting to work with people and animals.

Please remember: Homeopathic remedies should not be used as a substitute for conventional medical treatment and should be used in conjunction with professional medical advice.

Where to Buy Cell Salts

Cell salts are widely available at many stores and online retailers, like PetMedella. It is important to purchase cell salts from a reputable source to ensure their quality and purity. This is why we rely on Physica Energetics, and Energique as our two reputable companies when recommending homeopathy to pets.

Are there Side Effects and Precautions With Cell Salts?

Cell salts are generally considered safe and well-tolerated. However, they may cause side effects in some pets, although rare. Possible side effects of cell salts include digestive upset, skin irritation, and allergic reactions.

It is important to follow the recommended dosage and frequency of cell salt use to avoid side effects. If you experience any adverse reactions, stop using the cell salt and consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner or healthcare provider.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cell Salts

Are cell salts safe for children?

Yes, cell salts are safe for children and can be used to treat various health issues, such as teething, growth disorders, and digestive problems. However, it is recommended to consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner before giving cell salts to children.

Can cell salts be used during pregnancy?

Yes, cell salts can be used during pregnancy to treat various health issues, such as morning sickness, back pain, and fatigue. However, it is recommended to consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner before using cell salts during pregnancy.

Can cell salts be used with other medications?

Yes, cell salts can be used with other medications. However, it is recommended to consult a qualified homeopathic practitioner or healthcare provider before using cell salts with other medications to avoid any potential interactions.

The Tail End …

The 12 cell salts are a fundamental part of homeopathy and are used to address a variety of health issues. Each cell salt has a unique set of symptoms and uses, making them a versatile treatment option. We always recommended Bioenergetic Testing before using cell salts, to ensure their safe and effective use. With proper guidance and care, cell salts can be a natural and gentle way to support the body’s healing process.