Toxoplasmosis: Is this Nasty Parasite Affecting Your Cat’s Health?

Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. It is quite common, affecting cats, humans, and many warm-blooded animals. Toxoplasmosis in Cats Cats acquire Toxoplasmosis through the ingestion of prey or raw meat that is infected. The parasite gets released into the digestive system, reproduces, and new eggs are made. The cat then […]

Natural Support for Pets Suffering from a Tick-Borne Illness

Are you watching your pet struggle with Lyme disease or some other type of tick-borne illness? It is difficult to see our pets suffer, especially when they cannot speak for themselves. Click here to read about prevention and signs of tick-borne illnesses. Read below to learn about natural remedies for tick-borne illnesses. Natural Remedies Reduce Inflammation: Glucosamine […]

Lyme Disease: How It Can Impact the Health of Your Pet

Lyme disease is caused by the bacteria, borrelia, which is transmitted to a person or animal by a tick bite. The deer tick, also known as the black legged tick, is the carrier of this bacteria, but not all deer ticks are infected. Deer ticks are most commonly found on deer and small rodents. Having these […]

Cat Seizures and What to Do

A seizure can be a scary event for those who witness a loved one experiencing one. Just like humans, our feline companions can also experience them too. A cat will typically experience their first seizure between the ages of one to four and have them throughout their life. However, occasionally an older cat may have […]

What is Equine Colic? What Can You Do?

Equine colic is a disorder of the digestive system, that when gone unnoticed, can lead to surgery or even cause death for horses. Colic means “abdominal pain”, but for horse this pain can be very severe and should not be ignored. While colic refers to the abdomen, for horses, it is more so related to […]

Colic, equine

Hookworm in Dogs and What You Can Do

What is Hookworm? Hookworms are small, thin parasitic worms that are less than one inch long. They primarily affect the intestines by attaching to the intestinal wall with their hook-like teeth. They feed on their hosts blood and tissue, moving from one place to another and leaving small ulcers where they were attached. There are […]

Is Cat Litter Safe? What to Look For

Have you ever wondered if your cat’s kitty litter is safe for your cat or you? Have you ever taken the time to read the ingredients on the container? Many kitty litters can be quite harmful. Knowing what to look for can help your cat’s health as well as that of your own. Reading the […]

What to Look for in Horse Feed

Finding the best feed for your horse can be a challenge due to the fact that not much money or time has been spent on researching equine nutrition. Horses are meant to forage in open pasture. They want to constantly be roaming, seeking out grasses, weeds, and shrubs. This not only nourishes them, but also […]

Fight Doggie Parasites with Diatomaceous Earth

If your dog suffers from internal or external parasites, Diatomaceous Earth may be a simple and inexpensive solution! Diatomaceous Earth is finely crushed fossils of aquatic organisms. It is safe for humans and pets because it is so finely ground. To insects and parasite, however, it is quite harmful. These crushed fossils are like broken glass […]

Why Do Dogs Eat Grass?

Do you ever catch your pooch chowing down on your green grass? Your dog is not alone. It is not an unusual behavior. Most dogs eat those fresh blades from time to time. However, it is important to observe the frequency of this behavior and why your dog may be doing it. Why Would a […]