Pet Vomiting and What It Could Be Telling You

It can be deeply concerning when you see that your pet has vomited. The first thought that typically comes to mind, is ‘what did your pet eat?’. Shortly followed by ‘I hope it’s not anything serious’. The trouble with vomiting pets is that the reason for vomiting could range anywhere from very minor and non-concerning to a more serious health issue. The best thing to do when your pet vomits is to observe and document. This will help you, as a pet owner, get a sense of how serious the situation is.

What May Cause a Dog to Vomit
– unsettled food
– food eaten too fast
– change in diet
– food sensitivities (learn more here)
– being car sick
– severe constipation
– inflammation in the stomach or intestines
– bacteria in the GI tract
– foreign object in the GI tract (toy, bone, etc.)
– digestive parasites
– ingestion of toxic substances
– viral infection
– heat stroke
– stress in the pancreas
– stress in the gallbladder
– liver issue
– kidney issue

What to Look For and Questions to Ask Yourself
1. How often is your pet vomiting? The most important thing to observe is the frequency of the vomiting. If a pet is vomiting multiple times in a day, or more than one day in a row, the pet should be brought to the vet.
2. Is there blood present in the vomit? The presence of blood could indicate something more serious occurring internally, such as a viral or bacterial issue, inflammation in the GI tract, or more.
3. Is your pet eating regularly? If your pet’s food intake has increased or decreased, there may be some internal concerns.  A decrease in food intake could be a sign of toxins or kidney issues. An increase could be a sign of a digestive parasite.
4. Has your pet’s water intake increased or decreased? A pet’s increase or decrease in water intake could also be concerning. An increase in water could indicate a kidney issue, blood sugar issue, and possibly high cortisol levels. A decrease in water intake could be a sign of kidney issues, blood sugar issues, or a urinary tract issue.
5. Has there been a change in your pet’s urine color or amount? Both color change and change in the amount of urine being expelled should be something to keep an eye on. A change in color could indicate liver issues, gallbladder issues, pancreas issues, or more. Lower amounts of urine can be an indication of kidney issues.
6. Is your pet having normal bowel movements? Diarrhea or constipation is also something to watch. Diarrhea is typically caused by diet change, toxins such as viral, bacterial, or parasitic, or stress. Constipation can be caused by stress, obstruction from a foreign body, hormonal issues, intestinal issues, change in diet, or more.
7. Does your pet seem more tired? The most common reason for lethargy in pets is viral, bacterial, or parasitic toxins.
8. Is your pet losing weight? If your pet is losing weight, observe and document whether there has been a change in diet or if your pet seems to be eating less. Weight loss could be a sign of kidney issues, heart issues, GI issues, parasites, stress, or more.

In most cases, a pet will vomit once and go back to eating normally and having regular bowel movements. This is usually due to one of the following: unsettled food, food eaten too fast, a change in diet, a food sensitivity, or suffering from car sickness. If the vomiting continues and/or any of the above concerns are present, contact your vet to have your pet checked out.

To learn more about the digestive health of your pet, and if resonating toxins are a stress for them, check out our at home Full Scan HERE.




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