Histastat Food (formerly called Allerstat I)


Histastat Food™ may temporarily relieve digestive symptoms, such as indigestion with flatulence and bloating and loss of weight, associated with problem foods.

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SKU: ALLST1-1 Category: Tag:


Histastat Food may temporarily relieve digestive symptoms, such as indigestion with flatulence and bloating and loss of weight, associated with problem foods.

Ingredients: Chelidonium Majus 3X, Echinacea 3X, Gentiana Lutea 3X, Arsenicum Album 12X, Carbo Vegetabilis 12X, Lycopodium Clavatum 12X, Nux Vomica 12X, Phosphorus 12X, Pulsatilla 12X, Demineralized water, 20% ethanol.